Spirit (2022)
Spirit is third piece of a series of three pieces (Hope, Faith and Spirit) developed as we finally came out of the restrictions after the Covid Pandemic. The works were designed to reflect on the positives rather than the negatives that resulted from the period and consider how we approach and cherish desires with anticipation. What these desires will be different and personnel for everyone.
At the time it was evident that our lives had changed but what the impact the aftermath would be was unclear and only with time would the effects manifest.
Spirit is the vital principal essence within all living things. It is the non-physical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul.
Although the spherical form is made of steel there is a sense of movement. To the touch the work has a softness as the chords flex and vibrate when released. The work is designed to convey peace and positivity.
Each piece in the series is a limited edition and restricted to ten pieces.
Price £750.00